
Shira Haas - filmography

14 February 2025

Captain America: Brave New World
Directed by: Julius Onah
Cast: Anthony Mackie, Harrison Ford, Shira Haas
Category: action / adventure

W nowym filmie Marvel Studios „Kapitan Ameryka: Nowy wspaniały świat" w rolę Kapitana wciela się Anthony Mackie. Sam Wilson alias Falcon, którego Mackie gra w MCU, oficjalnie przyjął tytuł Kapitana... more

1 April 2016

A Tale of Love and Darkness
Directed by: Natalie Portman
Cast: Natalie Portman, Makram Khoury, Shira Haas
Category: biography / drama

"A story of love and darkness" is the screen adaptation of the bestselling novel by Amos Oz. It's a moving story of growing up one of the greatest writers of the XXI century.

Oz recalls childhood... more