Cinema program "Szkoła uwodzenia Czesława M." in Sosnowiec
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"Szkoła uwodzenia Czesława M."
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Production: Polska , 2016
Category: comedy
Release Date: 21 October 2016
Distribution: Next Film
Directed by: Aleksander Dembski
Cast: Czesław Mozil, Sławomir Pacek, Jakub Kamieński, Agata Pruchniewska, Anna Smołowik, Lucyna Malec
Czeslaw M., star of Polish music market, suddenly abandons the life of Warsaw celebrity. Accidentally goes to Swinoujscie. He meets Adam and Sigmund, former shipyard workers, who are trying to spin their own business. Together they make up a seemingly perfect plan: decide to open the first school on the coast of seduction for men. Is thanks to her dream finally achieve success?
"Provocation Czeslaw M." is a warm and optimistic comedy about the search for happiness and their own way. In the film about the unexpected consequences of life choices in the main role we will see Czeslaw Mozila.

Movie trailer: Szkoła uwodzenia Czesława M.
Your comments
ledwo pojawił się w kinach i już go nie ma w bonarce?
Film taki sobie. Momentami tylko śmieszny, momentami optymistyczny ale ogólnie średni.