
Putin Forever?

Directed by: Kirył Nenaszew

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Movie poster Putin Forever?
Original title: Putin Forever?
Runtime: 93 min.
Production: Rosja , 2015
Category: documentary
Release Date: 28 October 2016
Distribution: Aurora Films

Directed by: Kirył Nenaszew

Fascinating and disturbing picture of Russian society

The ambitious debut documentary Kirill Nenaszewa raises questions extremely important not only for the Russians. Who exactly is today Vladimir Putin for Russian citizens? Why Russians do not seem to want to change? And if Putin era will last forever?

See, what leads an excess of power in the hands of one man

The film tells the story of pacified by the Russian government protest movement, which arose in the context of opposition to falsification of the elections to the Duma in December 2011.

Filming began just in the election in December, and ended May 6, 2012, the day OMON broke up an opposition demonstration in the Square Bolotny.

The document presents, among others, the character of the young oppositionist Vsevolod Czernozuba who planned protests to the effect, however, was forced to leave Russia. At the moment she lives in Lithuania.

The film is also taken on the distribution of Russian society. Are fractions pro- and antyputinowska able to establish a dialogue and find common ground?

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